
Tear Fund

The Inghamite Church has supported Tearfund (The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund) for more than twenty years. This is an international development charity working with local churches and organisations throughout the world, seeking to alleviate poverty in Jesus’ name.

Tearfund also campaigns and lobbies the UK government to address the root causes of poverty. It supports many long-term projects and also provides disaster relief.

The church supports Tearfund by donating the whole of the offering collected in the Christmas day service. We also support Tearfund in prayer.

Tearfund sends us occasional speakers and videos to update us of their projects and campaigns. Our church feels truly blessed that in supporting the work of Tearfund we are making a contribution to combating poverty and proclaiming the gospel in the four corners of the globe. If you would like to learn more about the work of Tearfund their address is https://www.tearfund.org/